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Mary's shift: discontent lawyer to serene sound healer

This week's blog has a dual purpose: (1) to inspire you to use your feminine genius in service of others, and (2) to raise your vibrations out of fear and into love. In uncertain times like these, rear is everywhere and easy to catch! Whatever plans you've made, you're likely being called to shift. I am receiving a very clear message to share with all of you: now more than ever, the world needs feminine genius!


When I met Mary, she came to my office as an unhappy lawyer wondering if she could bring more meaning and purpose to her career. Recently inspired by the book The Alchemist, which provides the message that we all have a higher path and it is our job to find it - she hired me to help her find some answers. I felt so connected to Mary, having been a lawyer in her shoes 15 years ago.

It was very quick for us to discover Mary's true calling. As is common with many people, what she wanted to do was right there in front of her, she just felt afraid to admit it and step into it. Mary's genius is in music and sound healing. She began singing and musical training at age 4, but was ultimately discouraged from pursuing this path. In adulthood, she pursued a path that society said was a "good career." Mary is super smart and did well as a law student and lawyer. However, since she was really designed to give her life to music, she felt discontent.

Mary is now pursuing her gifts in music both as a performer in sound healing and also as a thought leader to help the rest of us understand how music has the power to heal us. Mary feels particularly called to share her feminine genius right now in response to Covid-19. She is sharing sound healing as a helpful healing tool to reduce anxiety for both physical and mental well-being. We need this now more than ever!


In this time of Covid-19 uncertainty, it is important to let that fear move through you and then be responsible for raising up your energy toward love. When you stay stuck in fear you harm yourself and others - you become controlling, you turn to addictions, you take more than your share, and you engage in sabotaging behaviors. Moving out of fear and into higher energy vibrations requires action on your part. Sound healing is one type of practice that is helpful. (Learn more about sound healing here.) When you want to shift our energy, you can tune into Mary's sound healing magic:

Here are 3 ways to conect with Mary:

1. Covid-19 Sound Healing and Meditation by Mary

2. Visioning Your Future Clarity Meditation with Mary and me

3. Prayer over your Presentation with Mary and me

You'll notice that you feel different after these magical minutes with Mary. You may or may not want to listen with headphones. Due to the high frequencies of the sound healing, headphone listening may feel too intense. Enjoy and feel free to encourage Mary's path with comments on YouTube or Insignt Timer!


There is waking up in consciousness and an evolution occurring on our planet right now. We are becoming more aware of our deeper soul needs as well as the needs of humanity to grow and evolve. In this awakening, we are moving away from long-established systems based in fear and hierarchy and replacing them with approaches that are more humane, more kind, and more inclusive. Ironically, Covid-19 seems to be calling us forth.

Inside this waking up, many individuals are feeling a greater call than ever to purpose-centered careers. New industries are emerging in alignment with this shift. Coaching is on the rise to help people find better love, better careers, and better health. Natural health experts are bringing forth ancient medicinal secrets like essential oils, energy healing, healing herbs, sound healing, and good nutrition. This evolution is calling forth new thinking and upleveled genius to solve the inequities that currently challenge our world.

With this backdrop in mind and your slowed down more secluded schedule, this is a time you may be more in touch with your own burning desire to realign your life and career with greater purpose. There's a clear message I'm receiving from the universe: NOW is the time for us to unleash our genius in service of others!

Genius is natural talent, experience, and passion within that feels fun and easy to share! You were born with genius and it is your most joyful way to serve others. It's that simple. You may or may not remember it right now, but whatever is your genius was reflected in your childhood. It has always been with you.

Right now you can tap your genius by asking: What can I do to be of service to others?

Your answer inside your genius zone will include these elements:

(1) expresses your natural talent and specialized knowledge

(2) feels fun and easy for you

(3) you'd give it away for free because it feels so good to you

As we make this inquiry and get clear how we can serve, we will be a part of the the raising of consciousness and bringing our world into more love, peace, and harmony. In closing, remember that love, peace, and harmony begins with you - so try out Mary's sound healing to raise your vibes, and then let her story inspire you to step into service with your genius!


About the Author

Gina Marotta is a career coach and speaker teaching and inspiring people to unleash their genius. She is a former defense attorney for some of Chicago’s highest profile criminal cases, served as Managing Director for a national nonprofit catalyzing career advancement for women and girls, and has been featured in media outlets like: Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, and WGN Radio. She has also been named 50 Under 50 and among 100 Women Making a Difference.



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