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Liberation Library: resources to unlock your divine feminine

To allow a return into our sacred divine feminine essence requires that we become liberated from the patriarchy, toxic masculine beliefs and energies inside ourselves, and the fear-based thinking that permeates our modern life on Earth. Our divine feminine embodiment is natural to us, so as we access Her within, we feel relief and nourishment in living a life that honors nature, surrenders to life, death, and rebirth cycles, and is birthing a new world at this transformational time!

To access your remembering of Truth, it can be helpful to immerse yourself in sacred wisdom that awakens the divine feminine within. That is where this library comes in! This is a collection of 30+ high frequency resources that I have personally relied upon that significantly supported my return to my Divine Feminine essence and true nature to embody Love.

Resources here vary: some are directly about emboding the divine feminine, some are about healing feminine wounds, some are about shifting out of the feminine victim archetype, and some directly work with your consciousness to remember the innate feminine ways you've been designed for living and moving through life on Earth. Almost all items on the list have been written, channeled, or created by women. Women are the ones we want to learn from in becoming liberated and free into our divine feminine nature. The few materials by men featured on this list have been deeply helpful to me in becoming liberated into my feminine power and so I felt were worth sharing.

Inside the library, I have also attempted to organize the recources in order where the more advanced materials come later in the lists of each category. I share this in case you come to the library feeling on either extreme of very new or more advanced. I advise that you don't let this ordering mean too much to making your selections. Trust what resonates for you and where you feel intuitively called.


  1. A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles by Marianne Williamson ~ This book covers all areas of life and how to remove the toxic fear thinking that seems so normal and return to the love thinking that I describe as "mind blowing" because it is so much more resonate with what we desire in humanity. Marianne Williamson is a teacher from the spiritual text A Course in Miracles and this book is her practical guide to living under the Course's teachings and embodying love.

  2. The Law of Divine Compensation by Marianne Williamson ~ Also based in A Course in Miracles and shifting from fear to love consciousness, this book focuses on the topic of work and money. I highly recommend this for my clients exploring career transitions in new areas or starting their own businesses because it rewires our thinking of money away from the illusions of scarcity that it comes from someone specific we must please toward the truth that money comes from God and living a life of love.

  3. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay ~ A revolutionary book on how to view your health: it reveals the metaphysical causes of dis-ease and shows how you can be your own healer. Author Louise Hay was a New Thought Minister who catalyzed the spirituality movement through this book and founding HayHouse, a spiritually focused publishing house, in her 60ies. This is a great reference book to have in hardcopy or on kindle for easy access to the reference section listing diseases and body parts, their root causes, and curative affirmations. I use this personally all the time for my own health and for clients.

  4. Cassandra Speaks: When Women are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes by Elizabeth Lesser ~ This book single-handedly broke open how I viewed my legal career. While reading it, I saw why it didn't work for me - everything was made by men, masculine, told by men, etc. Reading this book breaks us as women out of the chains of oppression and gives us a glimpse into life with female heroines and storytellers.

  5. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert ~ This book is great for creatives or those who want to access more of their creative nature. It reminds of us that creative ideas come from the divine and it is our creative feminine nature that accesses divine channels to create art and new innovations. The writer Elizabeth Gilbert is best known for her breakthrough spiritual nonfiction book Eat Pray Love.

  6. Learning to Love Yourself by Gay Hendricks ~ This book (by a male author) was very helpful to me at a time when I was beginning to open my more fragile, sensitive, victim parts of myself and become accepting and loving to them. Before that I shut them out as unacceptable and that kept a part of me locked up. And so I recommend this book to other women wanting to be freed from self judgement the may keeped you locked in self hatred or overcaretaking for others.

  7. Fair Play by Eve Rodsky ~ (For Mommas). This resource is highly recommended by my partner in RISE women's retreats, Amy Galvin as a resource for moms. The author Eve has created a body of thought leadership about creating equity inside partnerships at home as foundational to equity in all of life and career areas.

  8. The Soul of Money by Lynn Twist ~ This is another great resource for rethinking money and tapping into feminine wisdom around equity and sharing. Lynn Twist the author is a global fundraiswer and shares her wisdom on how both rich and poor people suffer but in different ways and how we can think about accumumulating "sufficiency" in money rather than abundance or what may be more than our fair share.

  9. The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz ~ This book offers wisdom from the ancient Toltec tribe on growth and transformation with a set of 4 simple agreements to follow. I added this book for two reasons. One, it is a book I refer back to time and time again for the particular agreement I struggle most with, and also because of the opening discussion by the author about Toltec explanations for how we live in illusions and suffering and how we can become free.

  10.  Living in the Light by Shakti Gawain ~ Originally published in 1985, this book was on the cutting edge of the spiritual awakening movement from a feminne perspective. The author covers living in your soul's purpose, the light of God, and also has an entire chapter on the shift toward embodying feminine energy.

  11. The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd ~ (Divine Feminine Novel). This books is a beautiful novel based on the fictitious character Ana, wife to Jesus of Nazarath and a reimaginining of his story from a divine feminine perspective. It is a beautiful story of feminine courage in a time when women were much farther trom freedom than we are today and also a beautiful story of sacred union between Ana and Jesus. A much more powerful romantic storyline to take in than the typical oppressive love stories of our modern times! This will surely awaken dormant divine feminine qualities in you.

  12. Gaia Codex by Sara Drew ~ (Divine Feminine Novel). This is a futuristic novel of the world coming apart from famine and impacts of greed and abuse of the eart, and the role of a community of priestesses to bring about the new new world. Uncovered along the way are ancient wisdom and sacred lineages carried inside the divine feminine that will surely awaken your own reconnection to your divine feminine nature.

  13. The Sacred Yes: Letters from the Infinite by Reverend Deborah Thomas ~ (African American Author; Channeled book). This is a channeled work by New Thought Minister Deborah Thomas that she describes as letters God wrote through her for the readers. The chapters are short and so the book can be read as a daily devotional if desired. I find that God speaking through Rev Deb's "tell it like it is" (with compassion) voice is potent and invigorating. The 3 pages in the book on "Maintaining a Vision" are a reference I share with clients about the potency of the feminine power of holding a vision for a better world or new creation as one of the biggest gifts women offer.

  14. Mary Magdelene Revealed: The First Apostle, Her Feminist Gospel & the Christianity We Haven't Tried Yetby Meggan Watterson ~ According to sacred writings about Mary Magdelene that have been suppressed by Christian religions, Mary Magdelene was Jesus's divine feminine counterpart and a teacher in her own right of the messages Jeses is known to had brought to us about love, healing, and compassion. This is both a scholarly review of the Magdeline scriptiures as well as a telling of the author Meggan's stories of finding her own feminien power within.

  15. Anna Grandmother of Jesus: A Message of Wisdom and Love by Claire Heartsong ~ (Channeled Book). This one is quite mindblowing for those of us who came up in traditional Christian/Catholic religions. This book is a channeling by Claire Hartsong of the ascended sould of Jesus's grandmother Anna. Anna was a highly trained spirtual woman who lived for over 400 years preparing for Christ's coming through her own living and raising her daughter Mary who would be Jesus's mother. I find this to be a much more empowering divine feminine view of the women around Christ than we've been told in the bible. Anna leaves us with a very hopeful, loving message.

  16. Bringers of Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadians by Barbara Marciniak ~ (Channeled book). Ok, here we are getting into aliens! Barbara Marciniak channels wisdom from a colletive group of Pleiadians who are from another star galaxy. This collecive channeled regularly through Barbara 30 years ago to help people of Earth prepare for a new stage of evolution (which we are seeing signs of now!) The book is filled with wisdom on how the Earth was formed, spiritual wars fought here, and can serve as a guide book for navigating the new age that is emerging now.

  17. You’re Not Dying You’re Waking Up by Elizabeth April ~ A great book for when you are ready to open to newer radical ideas of how the Earth works and how we are moving from 3rd Dimension consciousness into 5th Dimension consciousness ("5D"). This will leave you feeling less alone - take what resonates and leave the rest.

  18. 3 Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Delores Cannon ~ Delores Cannon was known for her skills in hypnosis helping people with past live regressions and she often did this with large live audiences. At some point she began to hear different themes emerge in her audiences ~ people began connecting to their past or future lives in other galaxies. What she discovered and wrote this book about is a collecitve of light beings from other star systems that seem to have started incarnating to the Earth as humans in the 1950s answering a call to help Earth in its elevation to a new level of consciousness, aiming toward the 5th dimension and unity.



  • Gaia tv (like Netfllix for the Uber-Spiritual)

  • Open Minds show with Regina Meredith on Gaia TV


Oracle Decks

  • She Makes Waves Deck by Lindsay Mayuga

  • Work Your Light Oracle Deck by Rebecca Campbell

  • 13 Moon Oracle Deck by Ariel Spilsbery

  • Mary Magdalene Oracle Deck by Megan Watterson

  • Sacred Rebels Oracle Deck by Alana Fairchild


  • Femiine Power Time with Christine Arylo ~ Christine is my mentor who I studied and apprenticed with to learn the divine feminne and so this show is a magical and practical place to learn with her the wisdom and practices she taught me and more in over 250 episodes!

  • Mornings with Marianne - Daily Lessons in A Course in Miracles read by Marianne Williamson

  • Illuminata ~ a book of prayers by Marianne Williamson

  • Agape Spiritual Center (Sunday services with Rev. Michael Beckwith)

  • Secret to Money App by Rhonda Byrnes

  • Fair Play: A Couple's Conversation Deck for Prioritizing What's Important (game)

Bonus content: Audio Content with me on the Divine Feminine

  • Transform Your Life By Embracing Feminine Energy ~ for the 20-something audience, tune into this interview with me on the Life Snacks Podcast with host Lauren Tierney

  • Finding Your Feminine Genius ~ for the 30 something audience, tune into this interview wiht me on the Opposite of Small Talk Podcast with hosts Danielle McCombs + Kristy Olinger (April 2022)

  • Awaken the Feminine ~ for the aspiring entrepreneur, tune into this interview of me by Lindsay Mayuga on the She Makes Waves Podast as we explore working in the feminine (January 2023)

  • How to Love your Work: Part 1 with guest Gina Marotta ~ for the woman searching to become free from an unfulfilling career, tune into this interview of me with Stephanie Hammond to learn my story of liberating myself from my legal career to move toward my higher purpose

  • Goddess Morning Practice~ a meditation with me on the Insight Timer app (free)

Final Thoughts

Just as important as taking in this type of high vibration material is to reduce your consumption of low vibration material which includes mass marketed news, television, movies, and music. Your discernment of what you both release and consume is deeply supportive to reach the new ways of being you desire.

About the Author

Gina Marotta is a career transformation coach + visionary and teacher around "Feminine Genius." She coaches and teaches individuals and teams about cultivating the power of inner genius + feminine energy at work. Gina understands the plight of modern professionals having worked early in her career as a criminal defense attorney followed by a managing director position for a national nonprofit organization. Gina is a contributing author to the book Readings in Restorative Justice where she wrote about transforming her legal career from hard work to healing work. She has been featured in media outlets such as: Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, CBS News, WGN Radio, and The American Bar Association Magazine. She is also a teacher on the Insight Timer Meditation app.



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